Acronym for : Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. DARPA is the independent research branch of the U.S. Department of Defense that created the Internet. Formed in in 1958 as ARPA, it developed the first network which connected the computers of four universities.
An organized collection of data. Usually in rows and columns. Databases can either be Flat Text File or Binary.
Database Driven
A page or site whose content is produced On the fly by quering a database once a request is issued.
Dedicated Server
A server dedicated one one person or entity. This allows the person to run multiple domains or act as a host or run a website that experiences huge amounts of traffic or bandwidth usage. ALl resources and software belonging to that server are dedicted to the leasee's or owner's use. Antonym : Shared server
The values built into a software program until manually changed by the user, usually via a settings or configuration page. Each of our scripts come with creafully thought-out defaults so that when you configure them, most values do not need to be changed.
Dial Up
A connection between computers or to the Internet established by dialing a telephone number through a modem Dial Up connections have a maximum speed of 56Kbs and tie up the phone line so you cannot talk on the phone and be on the Internet at the same time. ADSL solves this problem by using filters (usually an additional expense) and has greater speeds. See also : Cable, Broadband
The DOS name for a folder. A folders (sub-directories) can contain other folders and files, organized in a tree like structure.
Acronym for : Domain Name server. See below.
Domain name
An web address. Domain names consist of at least two parts. The name of the organization or company and the sub-domain representing the type or location (.com or .uk). A domin name is really an IP address which is converted to an easily remembered domain name by the Domain name Server.
Domain Nameserver
Software that converts Domain Names hostnames to Web addresses for TCP/IP.
Acronym for : Disk Operating System. Software run from a Command line rather than a GUI
The transfer of data from a remote computer to your local computer. Antonym : Upload
Refers to content that is updated based on end user selections or dates. Antonym : Static.