Meta Magic : The Ultimate meta tag generator
Meta tags are vital to your web site's success. With even the most basic meta tags, your site is missing out on it's fair share of search engine traffic. This can equate to several thousand visitors a month. Meta tags and other tricks listed here can be the difference between a success and failure.
We developed this tool to help both novice and expert promoters not only easily generate meta tags but to also educate you on the importance of including them in your documents. You may ask, why then do some of the most popular web site NOT have meta tags? You've looked at the source code and you can't see any tags. Well, that is because these sites already know how crucial meta tags can be, how vital their role is in increasing hits which convert to sales, so they hide them from prying eyes. Visit our Meta Cloak page to find out how meta cloaking is achieved.
If you'd like to purchase The Ultimate Meta Tag Generator and implement it on your web site, or just use it on your local machine without having to connect to the internet, click here.
Below is a real time meta tag generator. Simply check off the tag you'd like to include, enter or select the values, then copy the results in to your document. Upload your document to the web and you're done. Click on the Gray colored links for instant information.