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Program: Consolidator 8.1
Cost: US$199 Demo
Platform: Unix, Linux, Sun Solaris, FreeBSD, BSDOS Users Guide
Requires: Perl, Crontab and the Mysql Perl Module F.A.Q.

Consolidator - User Manual

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Glossary
  4. Configuration
  5. Installation
    1. New Install
    2. Upgrading
  6. Core Mailing Script
    1. List Management
      1. News Groups / Community Lists
      2. Welcome Messages
      3. Signatures
    2. Subscriber management
      1. Importing
      2. Exporting
      3. Profiles
      4. Deleting
      5. Searching
      6. Dynamic lists
    3. Subscription Form
    4. Sending Messages
      1. Manually
      2. Batch Mode
      3. Scheduler
    5. Incomplete Mailings
    6. Partner Lists / Joint Ventures
      1. Adding Partner Lists
      2. Editing Partner Lists
      3. Deleting Partner Lists
    7. Preferences
    8. Settings
      1. Customizing the Look and feel
      2. Member Registration and Hard limits
  7. Attachment Module
    1. Attaching Files to Messages
    2. Uploading Files
  8. AutoCleanser Module
    1. Viewing Bounces
    2. Processing Bounces
    3. Complete Automation
  9. Auotresponder Module
    1. Adding Messages
    2. Editing Messages
    3. Deleting Messages
    4. Testing and Forwarding Messages
  10. Marketing Module
    1. Creating Profiles
    2. Editing Profiles
    3. Deleting Profiles
  11. Member Module / Changing Password
    1. Billing
    2. Adding Members
    3. Editing Members
    4. Deleting Members
    5. Contacting Members
  12. MySQL Module
  13. Copyrights
  14. Technical information

Welcome to the Consolidator Users Guide. Consolidator is the new industry standard for mailing list management. A high performance mailing list powered by mySQL and designed to cater to individuals as well as web masters and high end hosting companies. By breaking down the program in to modules we've made Consolidator affordable for everyone. Consolidator is a multi-functional, high powered mailing list manager that provides flexibility in managing Administrative users and their rights and privileges, with the added option to integrate Advertiser Management, a File Delivery System, Click Tracking Module, Bounce Manager and AutoCleanser Module, Unlimited Follow up Autoresponder, Member Administration Module and many more features built in to the Core Mailing Script.

This guide explains in detail the functions and usability options for each of the Modules. It is meant for Single License Users and Script Licensees. A member's Tutorial is also available.

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This script requires Perl and the mySQL.pm module on a UNIX or LINUX server. If using the Unlimited Follow up Autoresponder or the AutoCleanser, you'll also need a functioning Cron tab on the server. A Cron tab is a program that automatically executes CGI scripts at predefined times/intervals without human intervention. Contact your host to find out if your server has a Cron tab.

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Glossary of Terms

For the purposes of this guide and an understanding of terms used within it, the following definitions have been set out.
Usually the person who purchased the script. Also a Top Level Administrator, however there may only be one Administrator treated as the Licensee. This Administrator has a few special privileges not available to any other user.

Top Level Administrator
Usually the person who purchased the script. Top Level Administrators have unrestricted access to all areas. A Top Level Administrator can also add additional Top Level Administrators.

Second Level Administrators
Any Administrator added to the list of Members by Top Level Admin and granted Administrative rights (Sub Master access). Second Level Administrators have access to all areas expect the Settings and MySQL Mate.

Can refer to either Top or Second Level Administrators. When used as one word, it means the actions being described can be performed by either Top or Second Level Administrators.

Any paying member that either signed up for the service or was granted access to the service by an Administrator.

Someone that has subscribers to a Member's or Administrator's Mailing list to receive newsletters or messages.
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All configuration prior to installation is edited in the uls_lic.cgi file. There are only four required fields, which are the MySQL Database connection details and three optional configuration Settings. Everything else is controlled via a Web Admin section.

$SecureServer = "";
Optional. The scripts will try to, and usually do resolve the correct URL for the script. This variable can be used if : your domain name has not yet propagated; the scripts cannot resolve your domain name and the correct path to the script's location; you want to use an IP address rather than a domain name; you want to use the entire program in a secure environment (SSL); In any case you'd set the variable so that it points to the folder that contains the scripts. The variable controls all links for the scripts. Examples :

$SecureServer = "";

$SecureServer = "https://secure.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/uls";

$SecureServer = "http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin";

$ValidRef = "";
Optional. This variable can be used for security in regards to uploading files. It can be left blank and probably should be with the introduction and increasing popularity of Referrer Blockers. If a value is set, files can only be uploaded from a web page address that contains the string entered in the variable. For example, you could set it to any of the following :

$ValidRef = "yourdomain";

$ValidRef = "www.yourdomain";

$ValidRef = "www.yourdomain.com";

$DBHOST = "";
Required. Enter the location of your mySQL server. Usually "localhost".

$DBHOST = "localhost";

$DBNAME = "";
Required. Enter the name of the database created for Consolidator. Consolidator requires a dedicated database. That is, you should not use an existing database with existing tables and should not share this database with any other script. Some database Admin panels will prepend your domain name to the name of that database. That is fine, as long as you enter the full name in the $DBNAME variable. Examples :

$DBNAME = "uls";

$DBNAME = "your_domain_uls";

$DBUSER = "";
Required. Enter a username that has access to the database created.

$DBPASS = "";
Required. Enter a password that has access to the database created.

$imPath = "";
Leave this variable as is. It stores all image files and a style sheet.

$bncAdd = '';
Required only if you purchased the AutoCleanser Module. This variable should be set to an e-mail account that will receive all bounced e-mail. Note that single quotes are required if using this variable. If a value is entered, a Cron task will AutoCleanse your scripts of all dead e-mail addresses. Consolidator will attempt to direct all undeliverable mail to this account.

$bncAdd = 'bounces@yourdomain.com';

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If this is your first installation, we can install the scripts for you at no charge. If you are moving the scripts to another server, or for some reason need the scripts re-installed, the $49 installation fee is applicable. You can order installation from this page. If you are upgrading an existing installation, there is a patch available.

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New Installation

Once you've configured the script, upload all cgi scripts in ASCII mode to a folder of your choice. The folder must have the same execute permissions your cgi-bin has (755). CHMOD all cgi scripts to 755.

Upload Image Files :

1. FTP in to your Web Server. If you do not have a folder named "images" at web level, create it. Inside the "images" folder create a folder named "uls".

2. Upload all image files (gif and jpg) and the uls_admin.css file to the "uls" folder.

3. Confirm you have uploaded the images by checking to see if you can load one of the files. To do this, load http://www.YOURDOMAINNAME.com/images/uls/1.gif in your web browser.

To Set Up Consolidator :

1. Follow the Steps described in the Configuration chapter

2. Upload all .cgi files (in ASCII mode) to your cgi-bin or any executable folder

2. CHMOD all .cgi files to 755

3. Load mysql.cgi in your Web browser

4. Enter the MySQL connection details you entered in uls_lic.cgi

5. Press Connect to see if you can in fact establish communication with your Database

If you have not entered your MySQL database details correctly in the uls_lic.cgi file, you will see an error message that says :

Connection to database not established. Check your details on line 22 of uls_lic.cgi

If you see the error message, re-enter your Database details in uls_lic.cgi, re-upload uls_lic.cgi to your server and re-load the uls_setup.cgi page in your browser. If the error remains, you are entering incorrect MySQL database connection details. Double check the name of your database.

Once a Database Connection has been established :

1. Load uls_setup.cgi in your Web browser

2. Enter your Real name, new Username, Password and Password Confirmation

3. Press the Setup Button

If there are any errors returned, follow the instructions given to try to rectify them. If no errors are returned, you will see a link to the Admin section (uls_admin.cgi) and your installation is complete. All Administrators and Members log in from this same page (uls_admin.cgi).

To Complete the Installation :

1. Click the link labelled Run Patch to update your copy to the latest Version

2. Scroll to the Bottom of the Resulting Page and click the Link to the Admin Section

3. Log in to Consolidator

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Upgrading an existing, older version of Consolidator incurs an upgrade fee. When you purchase the Upgrade Patch, you will receive the all required files plus a file named "uls_patchXX.cgi". Upload all cgi scripts, including uls_patchXX.cgi, so that they overwrite your existing files. Make sure all cgi scripts are CHMOD to 755 then load uls_patchXX.cgi in a browser. The patch will immediately go to work dropping redundant columns and adding any new tables and columns that may be required. Once complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link labelled Go to Log in Page. Your copy has been patched.

If you require any assistance, the standard re-installation fee of $49 will apply.

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Core Mailing Script

To use Consolidator, you need to purchase the Core Mailing Script. It's the minimum purchase and supports one Administrator. It's all you need to send out mail to your subscribers. It contains the core functions for sending messages to subscribers and managing subscriber forms and subscriber databases. You can create and manage up to 20 mailing lists as a Single License User. If you purchase the Member Module, you are licensed to use an unlimited number of mailing lists. Each member can create as many lists as you allow them to.

The Core Mailing script comes with the following Core functions and features.

  • Mass Mailings
  • Batch Mailings
  • Subscription Form Generator
  • Dynamic List
  • Global Filter
  • Global Remove Filter
  • Double Opt In and Double Opt Out
  • Partner / Joint Venture Lists
  • Multiple Subscription Form
  • Mailing List Archives, accessible via Web
  • Mailing Progress Monitor
  • Preferences and Settings
  • Bonus MySQL Mate Database Manager
  • Advanced WYSIWYG Editors
  • Ability to enter both Plain Text and Rich HTML messages
  • Simultaneous HTML and Plain text mailings
  • News Group / Community Lists
  • Incomplete Mailing Detector and Restarter
  • Duplicate Prevention System
  • Import and Export Wizards
  • HTML Open Rates for last mailing only. Click Tracking Module supports full history
  • Option to set a "Bounce To" e-mail address
  • Subscriber Log in Area
  • Up to 20 Custom database Subscription form fields
  • Personalized messages using any of the Subscription form data collected
  • Unique Welcome Messages for each mailing list
  • Unique Signatures for each mailing list

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List Management

The first thing you'll want to do after Setting up Consolidator is create a Mailing list. You do this by clicking "My Lists" in the Control Panel or on the Main Menu Page's Program Map.

Creating a new list requires you enter two values in two fields. Only these two fields are required. After creating a Mailing List, you can easily edit it by selecting it from the "My Lists" option menu.

To create a new Mailing List :

1. Log in -> My Lists

2). Enter a name for the new list in the List name field

3). Enter an e-mail address in the Admin E-mail field

4). Set desired preferences (click each label for more information)

5). Optionally enter a Welcome Message

6). Optionally enter a Signature

7). Scroll to bottom and click the Button labelled "Create new List"

Notes :
  • Click the Gray colored links for more information on the optional parameters.
The Blue colored links on the form will pop open a new window. Each Member has their own Archives Page and Multi Subscribe Page.

Your Archives page is a navigation system for the Public to Browse through all Messages sent to all of your Mailing Lists. It can be switched off or closed to the Public in your Preferences. Each Member has their own Archives Page.

Your Mutli Subscribe page displays a full list of your Public Mailing Lists. It can be linked to from any page allowing the Public to subscribe to all desired Mailing Lists with one process.

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News Groups / Community Lists

Each Mailing List in the system can be opened up to the Public. That is, each subscriber for any given Mailing list can log in to the Subscriber area and send a message to the Mailing List they are subscribed to. Each Member decides if/which of their mailing lists are open via the "My Lists" settings.

To enable Community access to lists :

1. Log in -> My Lists

2. Select desired Mailing List

3. Set Community List to Yes

4. Scroll to bottom of page and press the button labelled "Apply Edits".

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Welcome Message Autoresponder

The Welcome Message must be switched on in the Mailing List's settings. Welcome Messages are sent out once immediately a subscriber joins your list. Special markers can also be used in Welcome Messages. Each marker is replaced with the associated value entered by the Subscriber in your Subscription Form. Markers used in your messages that have had no value entered by the Subscriber are left blank.

Welcome Messages have provision for both HTML and Plain Text versions. HTML versions are sent to HTML Subscribers, Plain Text Versions are sent to Plain Text subscribers. If you leave the Plain Text versions blank, Consolidator will Auto-extract and store a Plain Text version to prevent empty messages from being delivered to Subscribers.

For example, your Welcome Message might read :

Hi %%%fname%%%,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter. You will receive mailings in %%%mformat%%% format.

Where a marker has been used for a field that is blank, the marker will be removed. Only fields you set as required will always have a value.

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Signatures are added to the bottom of messages sent. The inclusion of Signatures is controlled from the Message Composition Screen. Each list has it's own Signature. Leave this blank if you would like Signatures to never be appended to Messages.

Special markers can also be used in Signatures. Each marker is replaced with the associated value fetched from the Subscriber's profile.

Signature fields have provision for both HTML and Plain Text versions. HTML versions are appended to HTML Subscriber's messages, Plain Text Versions are appended to Plain Text subscriber's messages. If you leave the Plain Text versions blank, Consolidator will Auto-extract and store a Plain Text version.

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Subscriber Management

The Subscriber Management area can be accessed via the "Send - Options" page. Select a list from the first select menu labelled Manage subscribers. From this page you'll be able to view your database of subscribers, import new subscribers, export existing subscribers, search your subscriber base and see how many of your subscribers viewed your last message.

If you do not see the Subscriber list as shown in the image above, click the Preferences link in the Control Panel and make sure List Subscribers is set to Yes. Set it to No, only if the total number of subscribers for any one list is over 25,000 or so. This will speed up navigation and you can search for subscribers to list their details.

The Read \/ column in the sample Subscriber List above shows that Jim Home has opened the last message sent, 4 times. And the other two subscribers have not yet opened their copy of the last message sent. This is known as the "Open Rate". Open Rates are only measured for messages sent out in HTML Format. This is done automatically by Consolidator. Each time you send a new mailing, the Open Rates are reset and unless you're using the Click Tracking Module, no history of Open Rates is recorded.

By default, subscribers are listed in chronological order (the most recent subscribers will be on the tail end of the list) with 10 subscribers per page. Via the "Settings" page Top Level Administrators can change the number of subscribers listed per page using the "Records per page" setting under the "Miscellaneous" header. This Setting applies to all Members. Paginated links are displayed above the list. The list can be sorted by any of the blue links in the column headers. The selected sort is maintained as you browse through the list.

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Importing Subscribers

Consolidator employs both a simple and advanced importing method. The simplest way to import a list of subscribers is to enter a list of e-mail addresses, one per line, select the mailing format for the new subscribers and press the button labelled "Import". You may also enter a first and last name, separated by commas using the standard import (see next image). For example, your list may look like :


By default, subscribers are entered as "HTML" subscribers, that is, they will receive mailings in a Rich HTML format. To override the default format, so subscribers may receive Plain Text mailings, check the radio button labelled Plain Text Subscribers located just beneath the import box.

If your list contains additional information or is delimited by something other than commas and you'd like to import this information, click the Gray colored link labelled "Advanced Import" (see next image). Doing so will immediately bring the advanced options in to view. Click it again to hide the advanced options.

If you purchased the Autoresponder Module, you will also have the option of initiating a message sequence for each new subscriber being imported. If Start sequence is checked, you will only be able to import 500 Subscribers in any 15 minute period. If unchecked, up to 5,000 Subscribers can be imported in any 15 minute period. This number can be increased by Top Level Administrators in the Settings (Nard Max Import). Imports should be limited to prevent server timeouts.

To import subscribers :

1). Paste your list in to the text box. Each record must be on it's own line.

2). Select whether or not any Autoresponder messages should be initiated

3). Select the delimiter used in your database

4). Select a mailing Format for the subscribers

5). Press the "Preview Import" button

Consolidator will process the data and return the results in bold red text at the top of the page. It will let you know how many records were successfully imported, how many and which records failed and why, as well as how many and which duplicate e-mail addresses were rejected.

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Exporting Subscribers

Using Consolidator's Export wizard you can easily export your database of Subscribers in CSV format or as Plain Text for back up purposes.

To Export and Back up your database :

1. Log in -> Send -Options -> Manage Subscribers -> select a list -> Export this list

2. Select the fields you'd like to export by ticking them

3. Enter the position in which they should appear

4. Select desired field delimiter (comma, pipe, etc..)

5. Select destination, either Print to web browser or Export CSV file

6. Select desired order, either Export in Chronological Order which is most recent Subscribers last, or Export in Alpha Order which sorts the e-mail addresses from A - Z.

7. Press the Export button at bottom of form.

If you select Print to web browser the data will be printed to a plain text file and loaded in your browser. You can then either create a file on your hard drive and copy and paste the data in to it, or right click your mouse while it's over the data, select "View Source" then save the text file to your Desktop (or your hard drive).

If you select Export CSV file , the download dialogue box will appear. Click "Save", optionally rename the file and select a destination folder on your hard drive.

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Editing Profiles

Subscriber profiles can be edited individually or as a whole (Blanket Updates). When editing individual profiles, comments about the Subscriber can also be added. Comments will not be visible to Subscribers. Blanket Updates apply to every subscriber in the entire list.

To edit a Subscriber's profile :

1. Log in -> Send -Options -> Manage Subscribers -> select a list

2. Make sure you have List Subscribers set to Yes in your Preferences. If you have List Subscribers set to No, scroll down to the Search form and search for the desired Subscriber(s).

3. Click a Subscriber's First Name or Format in the list

4. Apply desired changes

5. Scroll to bottom click the Button labelled "Apply Edits"

To apply a blanket update :

1. Log in -> Send -Options -> Update all records -> select a list

2. Select and insert desired changes

3. Scroll to bottom click the Button labelled "Apply Blanket Update"

NB : When using the Blanket Update, edits are only applied to fields that contain a value. If you enter a value in any of the fields, all subscribers for the selected list will have their profile updated to reflect the values you entered. i.e., if you enter a value of "New York" in the first custom field, and leave all other fields blank, only the first custom field for all subscribers will be updated.

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Deleting Subscribers

Deleting Subscribers permanently removes them from your mailing list. Any pending Autoresponder messages will also be removed from the System.

To delete Subscribers :

1. Log in -> Send -Options -> Manage Subscribers -> select a list

2. Make sure you have List Subscribers set to Yes in your Preferences. If you have List Subscribers set to No, scroll down to the Search form and search for the desired Subscriber(s).

3. On the far right of the Subscriber List, check off all subscribers that are to be deleted

4. Scroll down and click the Button labelled "Delete Selected"

Subscribers will not be notified of their deletion.

When viewing search results Consolidator identifies and prints the mailing list name beside the checkboxes so you'll know which subscribers are being deleted from which lists.

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Whether looking for an individual subscriber or a group of subscribers, the method used is the same. Consolidator's built in logical search engine allows you to perform searches by date or data. Search results can be used to continually build upon an existing (dynamic) list . That is, you can search through all lists, looking for matching profiles and continually build upon results to construct a new list of highly targeted prospects.

When entering data in to search fields, be aware that spaces are not ignored. Below are some possible scenarios and their solutions.

To search for Subscribers :

1. Log in -> Send -Options -> Manage Subscribers -> select a list

2. Scroll down to the Universal Subscriber Search Form

3. Select a list or "All Lists"

4. Type in an e-mail address or some other parameter

5. Press the Button labelled Search

Other search examples
Find and delete a Subscriber
If you know the list the Subscriber belongs to, select that list from the drop down select menu. Enter the Subscriber's first name, last name or e-mail address. More information equates to fewer results. Consolidator only accepts unique e-mail addresses, so if you select a list and enter an e-mail address and check off the "exact" checkbox, only one result will be returned. You can then delete that Subscriber using the link in the results.

Find all Subscribers that contain the name "Jon"
Select "All lists" or a single list. Type "jon", with out spaces in the "First Name" field. If you do not check off the "exact" check box, results returned will contain Subscribers whose first name is "jon", "jonathan", "jonny", "dejon" and so on.

Find all Subscribers having a family name of "Smith" (exact)
Select "All lists" or a single list. Type "Smith", with out spaces in the "Last Name" field. Check off the "exact" check box so that only Subscribers whose names are "Smith" are returned (and not "Smithe", "Carsmith" etc.).

Find all Subscribers aged 20 - 24
Select "All lists" or a single list. Type "20||21||22||23||24", with out spaces in the custom field you have allocated for collecting ages. Note the double pipe || means "or". All Subscribers who've entered either 21,22,23 or 24 will be returned.
Send to all Subscribers that joined before [date]
Select "All lists" or a single list. Scroll to bottom and select an exact date and time in the "Joined before" date and time fields, leave the "Joined after" fields blank or select an exact date and time if desired. Select Replace Temp and press the Button labelled Search. Your Combined list now has all selected Subscribers.

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Dynamic lists

Dynamic lists (Temporary Combined List) are created using the built in search engine and allow you to send messages to highly targeted groups of Subscribers.

To build a Targeted List :

1. Log in -> Send -Options -> Manage Subscribers -> select a list

2. Scroll down to the Universal Subscriber Search Form

3. Select a list or "All Lists" or any one list

4. Type in a value in any of the fields

5. Select either Append Temp or Replace Temp. Appending the Temporary Combined List will build upon the Subscribers already in it, Replacing the Temporary Combined List will delete the current list and rebuild it with matching results.

6. Press the Button labelled Search

Each subsequent search will either build or re-build your Dynamic list. Each Member has the ability to create and manage only one Temporary Combined List. Once you've completed building your Dynamic list, click Send - Options. The Dynamic list will appear as "Combined Lists". You can now send a mailing to the list you have just built as well as edit the Combined List's Settings (so the next time you send to a Combined list, your default values are used). You cannot import Subscribers into the Dynamic list. To add Subscribers, you must search existing lists. This is not a permanent list.

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Subscription Form

Consolidator's built in form generator has extensive options which can be broken down in to four sections. Each section is described below and only the first section is required to generated a functioning subscription form for your list. It allows for the addition of up to 20 Custom form fields / questions on your Subscription form. You can modify the generated code but you must not alter the form field names.

Part 1

To generate a Subscription Form :

1. Log in -> Send -Options -> Generate sign up form -> select a list

2. Select which of the Stock fields should be included and or required by ticking the checkboxes. (Click the Gray colored links for more information)

3. Enter any additional Custom form fields by ticking the checkboxes and entering the question. NB: these can not be ordered and will always appear in the order you enter them.

4. You can now scroll to the bottom of the page and submit the form now to have your Subscription Form generated.

5. The page will reload and present you with code to copy and paste into any web page you like.

Your selections will be remembered so the next time you need to generate your Subscription Form you can simply submit the Form Generator form.

Part 2

To create a Pop Up window containing the Subscription Form :

1. While Generating your Subscription Form, scroll down to "Pop up windows options"

2. Select "Yes" beside Automatic Pop up and how often the Pop Up should appear for visitors

3. Enter the Content for the Pop Up window in the WYSIWYG area or Text area. NB the %%%FORM%%% marker is replaced with your actual Subscription Form when the Pop Up page is loaded, make sure you have the marker somewhere in your content.

4. Select your preferred dimensions and features for the Pop Up window

5. If using an Automatic Pop Up, you will need to use a generic Thank You page in the "Thank You page options" and paste some generated code into that Thank You page. This is necessary for Pop Ups that are evoked by websites that do not have Consolidator installed.

If you ARE using the Pop Up window on the same domain where Consolidator is installed, you can ignore the subsequent Invalid URL warning message that will appear.

6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and submit the form to have your Subscription Form and other required code generated.

Part 3

You have the option of targeting your form's response to a new window. If you'd like the user to submit the form and have the results printed in the same window, keep the Pop up on Submit? option set to "No". This will load the results in the same window, using the Main Settings' custom header and footer to generate the response page. Top Level Administrators can set the generic header and footer by clicking the Settings link.

If you would like instead to utilize a Pop up window, select "Yes" for the Pop up on Submit? option. This will cause a new pop up window to open when your visitors submit your form. The window features you select will be used to render the dimensions and position of the new window. Click the Gray colored links for more information on each pop up feature.

Part 4

Success pages are displayed once your subscription form has been submitted by a new Subscriber. You can either redirect the Subscriber to an existing page you have already created or you can enter a custom message that will be displayed between the generic header and footer.

NB: Members using The Automatic Pop Up feature will need to enter a value for the Successful Sign up URL field. This is because MSIETM does not allow cookies to be set by foreign domains. The cookie that prevents those who have subscribed from seeing the Pop Up again must be set from the domain that Popped Up the Window. That is, if a Member has the Pop Up Window on mydomain.com, the Successful Sign up URL should also be on mydomain.com and should have the generated Cookie code embedded on the page.

The Generated Code

Once you submit the Form Generator form, you'll see something like the above. Each portion of generated code will be accompanied by instructions. If you have knowledge of HTML, you may edit the form's appearence and element types. i.e. you can change text fields to select menus or radio buttons, however you must NOT alter the form field names. To see a real time preview of the form you just created, click the link labelled "Preview" (this will pop open a new window with a live, working form).

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Sending Messages

There are three methods available for sending messages. These are : Manual Send; Manual Send in Batch Mode; and Scheduled Mailings;

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The most common of the three methods used is Manual Messaging. This method is acceptable only when sending to mailing lists with less subscribers than the Hard Max Import setting allows (found in the Settings). If a mailing list contains more subscribers than specified in the Hard Max Import and the Scheduler is available, the sender will be redirected to the Scheduler.

To Manually send a Message:

1. Log in -> Send Mailing

2. Check off all lists you'd like the message sent to

3. Click Send to selected lists

4. Type or Paste in your HTML message (optionally enter a Plain Text version)

5. Press the button labelled "Preview Message"

6. Press "Edit Message" to make changes or "Send Mailing Now" to immediately send the message to all subscribers.

Notes :
  • if you select more than one list to send your message to, Consolidator will create a Temporary list titled Combined List (overwrites your Combined List).
Consolidator will begin the mailing process then redirect you back to the Main Menu where you can monitor the status of the mailing. You may now navigate to any another page, log out or even close the browser and go to bed. The mailing process has begun and will not end until either the server unexpectedly terminates the process or the mailing is completed in it's entirety. If the process has been prematurely terminated (deemed by 10 minutes of inactivity) a warning message will appear on the Main Menu. See Incomplete Mailings. If you experience a timeout, or disconnection, do NOT press back and restart the mailing. Instead, you should close all browsers and wait a few minutes. The server may have initiated the mailing. Log back in to the Admin section and see if the Progress Meter appears. Refresh the Page to see if the number of messages sent is increasing. If the meter does not appear try sending the message again.

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Batch Mode

Batch processing should be used on less powerful servers, servers that experience high levels of traffic or servers that run on or near the resource threshold. If you share a server with many others or the server is a little outdated, this batch method is recommended (or the Scheduler if available). If using this Batch method the maximum number of messages that can be sent in each iteration is 250. Log in to the Admin section as a Top Level Administrator and click Settings. Scroll down to "Send mail in batches" and enter a number. Remember, the maximum is 250. Leave the Setting blank to switch Batch Mode off.

When sending in Batch mode, you should NOT close the browser. It must remain open until the mailing process has been completed. When you initiate a mailing by pressing the Send button, Consolidator will begin processing the first Batch and will auto refresh the page once each batch has been processed. This frees up server resources by issuing a new http request with each page reload. The page will continue to auto refresh until the mailing has been completed in it's entirety. The status of the mailing will be displayed as shown here :

Please wait while your mailing is processed...

Consolidator has sent 100 of 1200 messages.

When the mailing has been completed, you will be redirected back to the Send - Options page and if set do so, Consolidator will send you a notification of completion via e-mail. If you experience a timeout, or disconnection, leave the Window open, reconnect to the Internet, wait a few minutes and then press the Browser's Back Button. The browser will re-issue the last batch and continue auto refreshing.

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Consolidator's Scheduler is only available if you have purchased the Autoresponder Module. It allows you to schedule an unlimited number of pre-formatted messages and set the exact date and time each message is to be delivered. This method of sending messages is strongly recommended if sending to large lists as it automates and regulates the entire delivery process.

To Schedule a Message:

1. Log in -> Add Scheduled Mailings

2. Select the list for which you'd like schedule messages

3. Click the Add XX new messages link

4. Type in or paste your message as normal and select date and time for delivery (optionally enter a Plain Text version)

5. Scroll to bottom of page and Press the button labelled "Submit"

Notes :
  • The number of messages accommodated per page is controlled via each Member's Preferences
  • Delivery dates must be set for the future (even if only a few minutes from current time) otherwise messages will not be stored.
  • Add XX new messages is controlled via each Member's Preferences
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Incomplete Mailings

Consolidator has a built in restart feature that will automatically detect mailings that were prematurely terminated. Consolidator monitors mailing activity. If no activity has been detected for 10 minutes, Consolidator assumes the mailing process has been terminated and will display a message on the "Main Menu" page. In the event of an incomplete mailing, you will see a warning message similar to the following :

By clicking on the green link labelled "Restart" Consolidator will immediately restart the mailing picking up precisely where it left off. If you have your list's preferences set to notify you of mailings, you can be sure the mailing was completed if you receive that notification.

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Partner Lists / Joint Ventures

Consolidator's Joint Venture feature provides each Member with the ability to add independent third party mailing lists to the collection of lists displayed on their Multi Subscribe Pages. Third Party lists do not automate the subscription process, rather they notify the recorded List Administrator of those wishing to subscribe. It is then left to the List Administrator to manually subscribe the requester. You as the Licensee can set Consolidator to also display all of your Public mailing lists on each Member's Multi Subscribe Page. Each Member's Multi Subscribe Page can contain up to three sets of mailing lists, each with short descriptions.
  1. All of the Member's Public Lists. When editing a mailing list's settings, lists can be set as Public or Private and a list description can be entered.

  2. All of the Member's Joint Venture Lists. When editing a Joint Venture's settings, lists can be Displayed or Hidden and a list description can be entered.

  3. All of the Licensee's Public Lists. In the main Settings you can opt to have your Public Lists displayed on each Member's Multi Subscribe Page.

Each Member can view their Multi Subscribe Page by editing any one of their lists. On the List Management page a link labelled Multi Subscribe Page is provided.

If someone subscribes to one or more of the Joint Venture lists, the Joint Venture list Administrator will be notified by e-mail and must then manually (or via e-mail AutoSubscribers) add the subscriber to their lists. The Joint Venture manager will keep track of the number of subscriptions referred to each Joint Venture list in the system.

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Adding Partner Lists

To add a Partner List :

1. Log in -> Partner Lists

2. Enter the Third Party List Administrator's contact details

3. Enter a description of the newsletter or content

4. Click the button labelled "Add new Partner List"

Notes :
  • Lists can be activated and de-activated by checking the "Display" checkbox.
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Editing Partner Lists

To edit a Partner List :

1. Log in -> Partner Lists

2. Click the List Administrator's First Name

3. Make desired edits

4. Click the button labelled "Edit this Partner List"

Notes :
  • The "Notified" number can be reset by entering 0 (zero) when editing profiles.
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Deleting Partner Lists

To delete a Partner List :

1. Log in -> Partner Lists

2. Click the Delete link shown in the same row as the Profile you wish to delete

3. Press the "Ok" confirmation button to permanently delete the Profile.

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Each Member has their own Preference Settings that give them control over particular aspects of Consolidator's functionality and data rendering. Member Preferences are limited to data management and display, leaving control of Consolidator's core functionality to Top Level Administrators.

To edit Preferences, click the Preferences link from the Main Menu. Each option's label contains and yields additional information when clicked.

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Consolidator has provision for all aspects of front end (member visible) aesthetic appearance allowing you to integrate your own design throughout the program, as well as the option to integrate Automated Real Time credit card billing facilitated by World Pay's World Direct eCommerce solution. Several options for the Manual billing of members are also provided.

Core functionality is controlled by Top Level Administrators. Most options are sensibly pre-configured allowing immediate deployment of the program once the automated set up has completed. You should however take the time to read each option's information (by clicking the Option label) and shape the program to your desires.

To edit the Main Settings, log in as a Top Level Administrator and click the Settings link from the Main Menu.

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Customizing the Look and feel

Please see the Post Purchase FAQ for detailed information.

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Member Registration and Hard limits

Shipped with Consolidator are two Static HTML documents that provide means for Member registrations. The first, signup1.html, is for Manual Registrations (where billing is left up to you) and the second, signup2.html, is for World Pay's World Direct customers. Both contain instructions in the document source. Both can be coded, with Client Side Javascript, to enable different Levels of Memberships. Contact us if you'd like a quote for the coding of Membership levels.

Possible features include :

  • Unlimited Membership levels

  • Ability to apply limits for each level

  • Subscribing of Members to an existing Autoresponder training series

  • Redirecting of new Members to static Thank You page (signup1.html only)

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Attachment Module

Optional Add On Module. If you've purchased the Attachment Module you have the ability to attach files to messages sent to subscribers. The Attachment Module is also required if you'd like to provide your Members with the ability to store their Subscription forms on your server, thus negating the need for their own a Website.

To Attach files to a Message, you must first Upload the Files using the Attachment Manager, accessed by clicking the Attach + link on the Message Composition Screen, described in the following sections.

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Attaching Files to Messages

To Attach Files to messages :

1. Log in -> Send - Options -> Select a List to Send to

2. From the Composition Screen click Attach +

3. Select desired files (see next section for Uploading instructions)

4. Press the button labelled "Attach"

Notes :
  • To remove attached files from pending message, click the - link adjacent to the + link.
  • To delete files from the resource folders, use the Attachment Manager, see next section.
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Uploading Files

Each Member has their own unique folder allocated for file uploads. Additionally, each Member also has access to a Shared Folder which can be drawn from and uploaded to. That is, if a Member uploads files to the Shared Resource folder, the files will be accessible by all Members. If on the other hand a Member uploads files to their own Folder, only that Member will have access to, and management rights, for those files.

To Upload Files to the Resource folders :

1. Log in -> Send - Options -> Select a List to Send to

2. Form the Composition Screen click Attach + to open the Attachment Manager

3. Click a "Browse" button and select the desired file from your hard drive. Each "Browse" can upload one file

4. Select a resource folder

5. Press the button labelled "Upload"

Notes :
  • The upload manager will upload selected files and refresh to display a list of currently available files.
  • Members can navigate between the two resource folder by selecting an option in the menu above the file listing.
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AutoCleanser Module

Optional Add on. This module requires either root server access, access to the mail spool or a remote server that allows you to access the mail spool. This module now functions with both Qmail and Sendmail.

The AutoCleanser Module will automatically process bounce backs and remove the offending e-mail addresses from Member Mailing lists allowing the server and program to run as efficiently as possible. A must for systems running old or enormous mailings lists that have never been cleansed of dead accounts. We've found that between 20% and 80% of addresses can be determined as no longer active. Though many well managed lists that have always had functioning unsubscribe links usually experience much lower rates of auto removal because of quality, high open rate Mailing lists.

The AutoCleanser Module requires custom edits in the uls_bounce.cgi file. If you cannot provide us with root server access, or we cannot install this module, and you Purchased the Module, you will be refunded the cost of this Module in full. Full implementation also requires a Cron tab entry. The cron task is set to read, process and clean out the mail spool every 10 minutes.

A POP3 account is also set up for receiving bounces should be dedicated to Consolidator. You should not use the account to receive or check mail. If you check the account, the bounces will be downloaded before Consolidator has processed them. Consolidator searches the returned message's headers for Member IDs and information as to why the message bounced. It then deletes all messages to prevent the file from growing to an unmanageable size. Consolidator seeks the following strings (as well as many others) in an incase-sensitive fashion and acts accordingly :

Closed due to inactivity : immediate subscriber removal

Unknown recipient : immediate subscriber removal

User unknown : immediate subscriber removal

Doesn't have a yahoo.com account : immediate subscriber removal

Host unknown : retries 3 times

Unrouteable mail domain : retries 3 times

Full inbox : retries 3 times

Exceeded : retries 3 times

Quota : retries 3 times

Is full : retries 3 times

If a retry flag is detected 3 successive times, the subscriber is then deleted. This allows for the possibility the receiving server may have been temporarily down. Any addresses deleted are also added to your Filter allowing you to view and manage bounced addresses. NB: with the boom in viral marketing and e-mail marketing mailing programs, there have been many scripts released and implemented that make it difficult or impossible for subscribers to cancel their accounts. As a result, a flood of programs have become available that make it possible for both server Administrators and the General Public to bounce back messages after having read the message content. This means that if your server has been blacklisted, or if the subscriber does not recognize you the message may come back as bounced when in actual fact the receiving account is alive and well. Our case studies have shown that this is the case with about 1 in every 375 bounce backs.

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Viewing Bounces

Each Member has the option to retain e-mail addresses deemed as dead or possibly dead. By clicking the Bounces link, Members can view all extracted e-mail addresses which are categorized as either dead or possibly dead (to be flagged). The Member can either submit the form without removing any of the listed addresses, or may remove selected addresses before submitting the form to prevent them from being deleted from their lists.

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Processing Bounces

The Bounces page lists all e-mail addresses that have been extracted from messages bounced back to the server. If any addresses are listed in the two large text areas, they will either be immediately removed or flagged upon pressing the button labelled "Delete / Flag listed subscribers".

Any flagged addresses that have been previously flagged two times, will be automatically removed from mailing lists. The page will refresh with details of the action taken by Consolidator. The onus is on the Member to regularly check their bounces so as to prevent the build up of extracted e-mail addresses.

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Complete Automation

The option to completely automate AutoCleansing was introduced in Version 5.6. In prior versions, Members and Administrators were forced to view the list of bounced addresses and then submit a form to clean out their mailing lists. As shown below :

Using the above method (i.e. complete automation is switched off), you are able to correct or remove e-mail addresses from the list of bounced e-mail addresses before submitting the form, thus retaining the subscribers in your mailing lists. For example, if you saw an obvious typo such as someone@somewhere.comn, you could remove the e-mail address and retain the subscriber. You'd then have to correct the e-mail address by editing the subscriber's profile.

Version 5.6 added a new Option in the Main Settings, controlled by Top Level Administrators. If Automate Bounce Removals is set to Yes, the Bounces link is expunged from the Control Panel as processing bounces will no longer require any human intervention. All e-mail addresses deemed to be permanently dead or discontinued will be automatically removed from the Member's or Administrator's mailing lists. All flagged addresses will also be automatically updated.

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Auotresponder Module

Optional Add on. This module requires a cron tab. The Auotresponder Module serves as an automated delivery system for an unlimited number of pre-entered messages. Each Mailing list in the system is accompanied by a readily available repository for Autoresponders. The simple act of creating a new Mailing List enables you to set up a series of Autoresponders for anyone subscribing to that Mailing List. (For example, a weekly series of messages that act as a training program or education course). Each message in your series is delivered XX days and XX hours after the previous message was delivered. Each Message also supports signatures, file attachments (if the Attachment Module has been installed) and Click Tracking (if the Tracking Module has been installed).

Top Level Administrators also have the option of auto-adding any new Members in to an existing Autoresponder Series. This feature holds true whether adding Members via the Admin Section or Members Register using the Public Registration form. It also doubles as a means for contacting all Members in the System to announce any new features, plans or news.

Adding New Members to a Series via the Admin Section's Registration Form :

1. Log in -> Members

2. Fill in New Member details

3. Before Submitting the form, select an Existing List to add the new Member to (Add to List, from the last field on the Registration form)

4. Press the button labelled "Add new Member"

Notes :
  • Only New Members can be added to a list. Editing a Member's profile does not provide this option.
  • You must create an associated Autoresponder Series for the selected List if you wish to have a training series of messages sent to the new Member.
Adding New Members to a Series via the Public Registration Form :

1. Your signup1.html document's source code (shipped with Consolidator) contains instructions for having new Members added to an existing Mailing List.

Notes :
  • You must create an associated Autoresponder Series for the selected List if you wish to have a training series of messages sent to the new Member.
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Adding Messages

To Add Messages to a series :

1. Log in -> Auotresponders

2. Select an existing Mailing List

3. Click Add XX new messages

4. Type in your Subject, specify the delay, and enter a Message Number

5. Enter your Message (optionally enter a Plain Text version)

6. Scroll to the bottom and Press the button labelled "Submit"

Notes :
  • The message Number is a required field and governs the order of the Message sequence.
  • Add XX new messages is controlled via your Preferences
  • The first Message in the series is sent immediately a subscription occurs
  • To Test the series in real time, simply subscribe to the mailing list (or see Testing and Forwarding Messages)
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Editing Messages

To Edit Messages in a series :

1. Log in -> Auotresponders

2. Select the desired Mailing List

3. Find desired Message

4. Apply desired Edits

5. Scroll to the bottom and Press the button labelled "Submit"

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Deleting Messages

To Delete Messages in a series :

1. Log in -> Auotresponders

2. Select the desired Mailing List

3. Find the desired Message

4. Click Delete this Message

5. Confirm your deletion by pressing the button labelled "Delete Message"

Notes :
  • Deleted Messages are immediately and permanently deleted from your series
  • Any subscribers waiting to receive the deleted message will receive the next message in line
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Testing Messages

Members have the ability to either test or forward part of, or the entire series of messages for a given series. If forwarding messages, the recipient must be an existing subscriber of the Mailing List the Autoresponder Series belongs to.

To Test or Forward an Autoresponder Series :

1. Log in -> Auotresponders

2. Select the desired Mailing List from the first Select Menu

3. Select the span of messages you'd like to be sent

4. Enter the recipient's e-mail address and First Name

5. Select the format in which the Message(s) should be delivered

6. Press the button labelled "Send Messages"

Notes :
  • All messages between the selected span will be sent
  • To test a Series, make sure you're a subscriber of the Mailing list, then enter that e-mail address in the Recipient field
  • Messages will be immediately sent and the page will reload with a confirmation message
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Marketing Module

Optional Add On Module. The Marketing Module allows Members to create Advertiser Profiles which can be assigned no more than one Advert. To create multiple adverts for the same Advertiser, you create multiple profiles. Consolidator will then count the number of impressions for each advert manually inserted by Members into messages broadcast. Distinct counts are recorded for both HTML and Plain Text messages. Inserting multiple copies of the same advert in one message will increment the counts accordingly.

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Creating Profiles

To add a new Advertiser :

1. Log in -> Advertisers

2. Enter the Advertiser's contact details

3. Enter the Maximum number of impressions

4. Enter the HTML advert (optionally enter a Plain Text version)

5. Click the button labelled "Add new Advertiser"

Notes :
  • Adverts must be inserted manually by Members when sending messages. This is achieved by positioning your cursor at the point in your message you'd like the advert inserted and then selecting an Advert from the Advertisements menu.
  • Options are listed using the Advert reference names.
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Editing Profiles

To edit an existing Advertiser's Profile :

1. Log in -> Advertisers

2. Click the Advertiser's First Name or Reference Name for the advert

3. Enter the desired edits

4. Click the button labelled "Edit Advertiser"

Notes :
  • Impressions can be reset by entering 0 (zero) before submitting the form.
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Deleting Profiles

To delete an Advertiser's Profile and Advert :

1. Log in -> Advertisers

2. Click the Delete link shown in the same row as the Profile you wish to delete

3. Press the "Ok" confirmation button to permanently delete the Profile.

Notes :
  • All records of the Advertiser's impressions will be permanently erased.
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Member Module / Changing Password

Single User Licensees will see a link in the Control Panel labelled Change Pass. This enables you to update or change your Administration log in details. Enter your current log in details, enter your new log in details and press the button labelled "Change Pass".

If you have purchased the Member Module, you'll see a link in the Control Panel labelled Members. This is where you manage all Member and Administration Profiles as well as usage Rights and Privileges.

Before you can grant access to your clients, you must create their Administrative profile. Consolidator does not handle billing in it's own right, however it does support World Pay integration. The billing onus is on you. If clients fail to remit to invoices, you have the ability to suspend their access to either mailing functions or the Members Area as a whole. Click the Members link in the Admin Control Panel to display a sortable list of current Members. Links on table headers indicate that the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking column headers.

To add a new Member, fill in the "Add Administrative User" form (just below the Member Listing) and press the button labelled "Add New Administrator". Once submitted, the profile will have been created and you'll now need to assign the new Member's Rights and Privileges (see next image). Each Member must be assigned a number of lists. Trusted users will have access to all available lists, including other Member's lists, as well as other Rights and Privileges. Do not check off the Master access boxes unless you would like to create a Trusted User.

1). Master Access This will create a Member that will have the same access as you (the script licensee). That is, access to the "Settings" page will be granted, as well the ability to view and edit all Member lists and Profiles. If you create a Master user by checking the Master checkbox in the red bar, you do not need to check any other box. All Rights and Privileges are automatically granted.

2). Sub Master Access Sub masters do not have access to the "Settings" page, but they do have access to all other lists and Member Profiles. When a Sub master logs in, they will not be able to update their status to Master. Sub masters' Rights and Privileges can be downgraded by unchecking selected checkboxes.

Members are your clients. You decide how many lists each Member may create and the rights they have. Careful attention should be paid to the "Admin User Profiles" rights. Do not assign these rights to clients unless you would like to grant them the ability to upgrade their own status as well other Member's rights.

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Consolidator currently integrates with only one Real Time credit card billing gateway, World Pay's World Direct eCommerce solution. Provision for Manual billing of members is also built in.

World Pay Escrow Service

If you're registered as a World Pay Member, you'll need to enter a callback URL in your World Pay Settings. Your callback URL is printed on the Settings Page in the Escrow Registration options - WorldPay section. Copy and Paste it in to your World Pay Call Back Settings and switch the Callback URL on. You should not enable the World Pay username/password system, because Microsoft Internet Explorer has discontinued support for the method due to security concerns.

Once you have entered your Call back URL in to your WorldPay settings, open the signup2.html document (shipped with Consolidator) and edit the form's source code. Enter desired values for amount, currency, cartid, etc. Levels of membership can be offered and achieved with the use of Client Side Javascript. Contact us if you'd like a quote for the coding of Membership levels.

Test the registration process by loading the signup2.html file in a browser.

Manual Registration Options

To enable Manual registration (the ability for members to sign up for your service via a web page), log in to the Main Settings as a Top Level Administrator. Scroll down to the Manual Registration options section and set Self Registration to Yes. Set Default Account Status to Active if you'd like new Members to be granted immediate access to the Members area.

Next, open the signup2.html document (shipped with Consolidator) and edit the form's source code so that the form's action points to your copy of uls_admin.cgi?signup

If you're not granting immediate access, enter a URL in the hidden redirect field so the new member is not forwarded to the log in screen. The redirect URL must begin with http. E.g.

<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://www.domain.com/thanks.html">

The party field is for reference purposes only. You can set it's value to whatever you like and it will appear in Consolidator's Member listing synopsis. E.g.

<input type="Hidden" name="party" value="Level 1"> or
<input type="Hidden" name="party" value="Manual"> or

If offering levels of Membership, this field is dynamically updated based on user selections using Javascript. For example, if a potential Member selects level two, the party field will be dynamically set to "Level 2", allowing you to easily see each Member's Level in the Member listing synopsis table. Levels of membership can be offered and achieved with the use of Client Side Javascript. Contact us if you'd like a quote for the coding of Membership levels.

Test the registration process by loading the signup2.html file in a browser.

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Adding Members

As well as the above described registration Options, Top Level Administrators can also add Members to the system via the Admin Section.

To add a new Member :

1. Log in -> Members

2. Enter the Member's particulars and usage limits

3. Click the button labelled "Add new member"

4. Select the Member's Rights and Privileges

5. Click the button labelled "Update Privileges" to complete the Registration

Notes :
  • Usage limits left blank will be treated as unlimited
  • Notification e-mails are not sent when adding Members via the Admin section
  • Do NOT assign Administration Privileges to un-trusted Members
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Editing Members

Both Member Profiles and Member Rights and Privileges can be edited.

To edit a Member's Profile and Limits :

1. Log in -> Members

2. Click the Member's Username

3. Apply desired edits

4. Click the button labelled "Edit Profile"

Notes :
  • Account access can be temporarily suspended by un-checking the Account Status checkbox near the bottom of the form
  • Comments entered into the form are not visible to Members. Use this area to make notes about Member demeanor or payment status.
To edit a Member's Rights and Privileges :

1. Log in -> Members

2. Click the Rights link in the row desired Member is listed in

3. Apply desired edits

5. Click the button labelled "Update Privileges"

Notes :
  • Do NOT assign Administration Privileges to un-trusted Members. Doing so will enable them to modify their own and other Member's Profiles and Rights.
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Deleting Members

When deleting a Member, all data pertaining to the Member, including any mailing lists, are permanently deleted from the server.

To delete a Member's Profile and access :

1. Log in -> Members

2. Click the Delete link in the row desired Member is listed in

3. Click the button labelled "Delete Profile" to permanently delete the Member's Profile and Data

4. Select the Member's Rights and Privileges

5. Click the button labelled "Update Privileges" to complete the Registration

Notes :
  • Deleted Members will no longer be able to access the Members Area
  • All records of the deleted Member's data and mailing lists will be permanently erased
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Contacting Members

If you read this Guide thoroughly and followed it's recommendations prior to any Member Registrations taking place, you will have a Mailing list dedicated to Members. Simply send a Mailing to that list as you normally would to any other list. If you skimmed through this Guide, as many of us do, and did not create a Mailing list, contact us for a quote on manually populating a Mailing list for you.

Alternatively, you can modify or add a Welcome Message that is displayed on the Main Menu when Members log in. This is achieved via the Settings, in the Global Templates section. You'll first need to create a HTML file that contains your Message, then upload it to your server. Once uploaded, enter the absolute server path to the uploaded file in the Admin Welcome Message Path then save your Settings. If you entered the path correctly, and the file is found, the content of your file will be displayed when you load the Main Menu.

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MySQL Module

Bundled with Consolidator is a disparate script titled MySQL Mate. MySQL Mate allows you to view, back up and e-mail the entire set of raw data contained within your database. To access MySQL Mate point your browser to mysql.cgi (which will be in the same directory as all other cgi scripts) where you will be prompted for the log in information (found in uls_lic.cgi).

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Consolidator is licensed software. We reserve all rights. Written permission must be obtained from us before you may copy, reproduce, publish, modify or alter in any way, any media, software, documents or products, in part or in whole, shipped to you, installed for you or traded by us, including this User Guide. All media, software, documents and products are the property of PerlScriptsJavaScripts.com. We retain ownership and copyright of software products purchased from us and all copies of the software. Removal of any copyright messages, publicly visible or otherwise without prior written permission from us is expressly forbidden. Unauthorized reproduction of any of our software, documents or products is prohibited by Federal and International laws and subject to criminal prosecution.

We understand that circumstances exist where it would be unreasonable to have our Copyrights displayed, such as keeping your Competitors from purchasing the same software to match your efforts. Which is why we offer the option to purchase copyright removal from Consolidator. Please see this page for the current fee.

Our Copyright stamp is not included in any Message delivered by Consolidator. You may include a "Powered By" image or link of your own at the foot of Member initiated mailings. Footer links are controlled by Top Level Administrators via the Settings.

Please read our Company Policy for more information.

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Technical information

MySQL Table and Database Structure

Consolidator requires a mySQL Server and dedicated mySQL database run on a Unix or Linux web server / host. Each mailing list created requires one (1) mySQL table. The table's name is Ln where L stands for List and n is the sequential number of the list. The first list created would create a table named L1.

Each mailing list created also has an associated table for Autoresponder Messages. The table's name is Sn where S stands for Sequence and n is the sequential number of the list. The first list created would create a table named S1.

Each Administrative user is also assigned nine feature tables. These are :

  1. AnA - stores message archives, including, amongst other information, the message sent, date message was sent, and who sent it. This allows Consolidator to implement a restart feature should any mailings be terminated prematurely. It also allows the licensee to investigate any spam complaints.

  2. AnD - stores scheduled messages, including, amongst other information, the message to be sent and date and time message is to be sent. This table is managed by a Cron entry.

  3. AnF - stores each Member's filtered e-mail addresses including addresses passed by the AutoCleanser.

  4. AnO - utilized to temporarily store Double Opt Out and Double Opt In information. Once subscriber has confirmed their subscription via a link sent in an e-mail, the information is ported to a permanent List table.

  5. AnJ - stores list of Partner Mailing List profiles and impression counts.

  6. AnR - stores search results and Combined List data. This enables you to view paginated results without having to preform a search each time you "flick" through the search results.

  7. AnV - stores list of Advertiser profiles, their advertisements and impression counts.

  8. AnT - Tracked Links Table. This table is used to store any links marked for tracking.

  9. AnTC - Tracked Clicks Table. This table is used to store unique click data generated by subscribers clicking on links marked for tracking.
Each of the eight feature tables, n contains the Administrator's ID. Each of these tables are created for each Administrator, not for each mailing list.

Consolidator also creates several other globally used tables.
  • uls_ap - stores Member profiles.

  • uls_ap_access - a relative table that stores Member rights and Privileges

  • uls_del_cron - stores pending Scheduled messages for future delivery and is also managed by a Cron entry.

  • uls_details - stores the details of each list for the entire system.

  • uls_prefs - stores each Member's preferences that apply to all lists controlled by that Member.

  • uls_prevent - stores e-mail addresses for the Global Filter or Global Delivery Prevention system.

  • uls_seq_cron - stores pending Autoresponder messages for future delivery and is managed by a Cron entry.

  • uls_settings - stores the program's Configuration that controls the functionality of the entire program.

  • uls_usage - stores statistics on the number of messages and size of messages sent by each Member each month.
Finally, each Administrator has the ability to create a dynamic list. This table is not deemed to be a permanent list therefore is ignored by Limit policing. It uses the same naming method used by lists : Ln.

File and Folder Structure

There are also at least three (3) web folders created. When we install the program for you, we use the following directory structure.
  1. A folder to house the cgi scripts, usually a web level folder if your server permits cgi script execution from any folder and usually named "/uls". Otherwise they will be stored in "/cgi-bin/uls".

  2. We also create a second folder to house the image media used by the HTML editors as well the external style sheet. We store these files in "/images/uls".

  3. The third folder is used by Consolidator to store file uploads and temporary files that keep track of messages sent. The temporary files are deleted once a mailing has been completed. These files are stored in a folder name "/ulscommon" at web level. This folder must be CHMOD to 777.
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Program: Consolidator 8.1
Cost: US$199 Demo
Platform: Unix, Linux, Sun Solaris, FreeBSD, BSDOS Users Guide
Requires: Perl, Crontab and the Mysql Perl Module F.A.Q.

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