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FMAP - FormMaker and Processor     List of Categories

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  1. How do I create my very First Multi Page Form?

  2. Can a User select a recipient from a list to direct Admin notifications to?

  3. Exporting my Form Submissions results in a 404 Page Not Found error?

  4. How do I Export my Database, am I limited by columns or Form Fields?

  5. How do I set the Default Form Field Sorting Order and what is it?

  6. How do I set the display order of fields for the Preview Page Template?

  7. How do I sort Form Fields in email notifications?

  8. Will adding new fields to existing Forms weeks later affect the Database?

  9. Why does the Preview show undesirable Field names?

  10. Are there any Fields that must remain in my Forms for FMAP to keep functioning?

  1. How do I create my very First Multi Page Form?

    In this mock scenario, you want a 3 Page Form for your Customers to request Quotes for a new Computer. You have already created your Forms just the way you want them in your favorite HTML Editor. What now?

    1. You load up and log in to FormMakerAndProcessor.

    2. You click Create new, type in Quote Form 1, press the Create new button, and repeat this step for Quote Form 2 and Quote Form 3 to create the infrastructure for each of the Forms in your Sequence.

    3. You now click Multi Page Forms and shift a copy of all 3 Forms from the left container to the right container, type in Quote Forms as the Reference Name, and press the Save button to complete the Structure for your Multi Page Form.

    4. The web page refreshes and you see your new Multi Page Form appear in the list.

    5. You click the new Form's Get Code link, copy then paste each Form's generated code in to it's own HTML document and respectively name those documents : quote1.html, quote2.html, and quote3.html.

    6. You FTP in to your www.GetQuotes.com Website Server and create a directory named "getquoted" at Home Page Level.

    7. You're set. You splash a link across your Home page that points to quote1.html for your Visitors to request a quote.

    8. Your first Form, quote1.html, has it's redirect field set to quote2.html, so that when the first Form is successfully submitted, your potential Customer is redirected to Quote Form 2 (which you named quote2.html). Your redirect tag in the first Form would then surely look like this :

      <input type="Hidden" name="redirect" value="http://www.GetQuotes.com/getquoted/quote2.html">

    9. When your potential Customer fills in and successfully submits Quote Form 2, they are redirected to Quote Form 3 (which you named quote3.html). And of course, quote2.html has a redirect tag in it which no doubt looks like this :

      <input type="Hidden" name="redirect" value="http://www.GetQuotes.com/getquoted/quote3.html">

    10. Your Customer fills in and successfully submits the 3rd and final Form in your Sequence. You didn't set a redirect field in the final Form because it's not required and you like to have the Customer's name and information entered in to the 3 Forms displayed on the Final Page along with a blurb about your business and why your Customer has made the right choice. But you ponder for a minute, what the redirect field might have looked like if you had wanted to redirect the Customer back to your Home page. Which is when you visualize this tag :

      <input type="Hidden" name="redirect" value="http://www.GetQuotes.com">

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  2. Can a User select a recipient from a list to direct Admin notifications to?

    Yes, by adding a field named "toemail" to your forms, the User can either pull in, or override the Admin email Setting defined in the Form's Settings.

    To pull in the email addresses defined in the Admin email Setting use :

    <input type="Hidden" name="toemail" value="2,4">

    This will direct email notifications to the 2nd and 4th email addresses defined in the Admin Email Setting in the back end. Multiple email addresses can be separated by commas. Additionally, corresponding names can be assigned for each email address by using a field named "toname".

    <input type="Text" name="toname" value="2,4">

    If you have the following email addresses defined in the Admin Email Setting :

    a@a.a, b@a.a, c@a.a, d@a.a

    Then the above example would send email notifications to b@a.a and d@a.a

    Both of these fields can also be defined as drop down select menus, or radio buttons allowing Users to select from multiple recipients. For example :

    <select name="toemail">
    <option value="2">Mark
    <option value="2,4">Lisa and James

    To override the email addresses defined in the Admin email Setting use :

    <input type="Hidden" name="toemail" value="mark@yourserver.com,lisa@yourserver.com">

    Multiple email addresses can be separated by commas. Additionally, correlative names can be assigned for each email address by using a field named "toname".

    <input type="Text" name="toname" value="Mark Thompson, Lisa Williams">

    Both of these fields can also be defined as drop down select menus, or radio buttons allowing Users to select from multiple recipients. For example :

    <select name="toemail">
    <option value="mark@yourserver.com">Mark
    <option value="lisa@yourserver.com">Lisa

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  3. Exporting my Form Submissions results in a 404 Page Not Found error?

    If the Export Wizard directs your browser to a 404 error page or to http://www.yourservername.com/, you need to edit line 28 of the fmap_key.cgi file to enter your actual Website Domain Name in the $ExportURL variable. The variable which looks like this :

    $ExportURL = "http://www.YOURSERVERNAME.com/psjs_datalogs/fmap$FolderPass/data";

    Should have :

    1. the red portion substituted with your Website Address (the Website you installed the scripts on). Just the Top Level Domain, not the full path to the scripts. End it at .com or .net.

    2. and have the blue portion remain unaltered. You only need alter the blue portion if you have defined the $DefaultData variable found in the same file. In this case, the two paths must lead to the same ultimate directory, it's just that one is a Server Path and the other is a Website URL.

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  4. How do I Export my Database, am I limited by columns or Form Fields?

    There are no column nor Form Field limits, and you can Export your entire Database of Submissions. After setting the $ExportURL variable as documented here, to Export your Form Data, you would :

    1. Click the Single Page Forms link in the Admin Control Panel to display a full list of your Forms.

    2. Click the Green colored number in the Submissions column for desired Form.

    3. Click the Export CSV file link.

    4. Enter the Form field names (exactly as they appear in your Forms) and set the numeric column positions for the Database Design.

    5. Select the Export's destination and press Export button.

    Notes :

    • Set your preferred Form Field Sorting Order for the Export Wizard.

    • FormMakerAndProcessor will read the first and last lines of your existing Database and pre-populate the Export Wizard with any fields it finds.

    • Your Forms can have hundreds of fields. Each time you load the Export Wizard, you have provision for adding an extra 10 fields.

    • If you choose "Print to Browser", after the next page has fully loaded, view the page's source code. The source code contains line breaks after each record. The browser content area appears to display the entire Form Database as one long line of data.

    • If you choose "Export CSV", and you have MicroSoft Excel installed on your local hard drive, it should automatically load in your browser and display your Exported data. Otherwise, the Download Dialogue box will appear, prompting you for a location to save the CSV file to.

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  5. How do I set the Default Form Field Sorting Order and what is it?

    The Default Form Field Sorting Order lets you define each Form's Default values for your Export Wizard, your Live Website Form's Preview pages and the Administration Section's Submission viewer.

    To set the Default Form Field Sorting Order :

    1. Click the Single Page Forms link in the Admin Control Panel to display a full list of your Forms.

    2. Click the Settings link for desired Form.

    3. Scroll down to the Form Field Sorting Order sub-section.

    4. Enter your Form's field names (exactly as they appear in your Forms, same case) padded by 3 percentage signs on either side. Enter one field per line. For example :


    5. Scroll to bottom of page and press Save All Settings button.

    Notes :

    • This same Sort Order applies to your Form Previews and the Submission details displayed in the Admin Section.

    • Any fields detected in your Database but missing from your Sort Order will appear last in the Previews and the Submission Viewer.

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  6. How do I set the display order of fields for the Preview Page Template?

    To order fields on preview page, set the Form Field sorting order in the Form's Settings. The same sort order applies to the Submission Viewer in the Admin section and the Export Wizard.

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  7. How do I sort Form Fields in email notifications?

    The Form Field Sorting Order does not apply to email notifications. To sort fields in notifications, for either Single or Multi Page Forms, click Settings for the desired Form (Multi Page Forms use the last Form's Notification Templates and Settings) and scroll down to the Notification Templates. Add desired field markers in case sensitive manner, padded by percentage signs. For example :


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  8. Will adding new fields to existing Forms weeks later affect the Database?

    The Database will be fine. To add new fields in the Admin Section, add a new marker to your Form Field Sorting Order Template in the Form's Settings.

    Notes :

    • Fields added using this method are only visible in the Admin section. They do not appear in your actual forms until you manually code them in to your Documents.

    • Fields added using this method can be used for private Notes or Comments by the Administrators.

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  9. Why does the Preview show undesirable Field names?

    Reading and adhering to the User Guide's recommendations may have some saved you some work.

    Fields printed on Preview Pages and missed fields printed on Error Pages use the value of your Form field's name attribute. Underscores are auto-stripped from Form field names before they're printed.

    Please read at least the above linked section of the User Guide for tips on descriptively naming your Form field.

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  10. Are there any Fields that must remain in my Forms for FMAP to keep functioning?

    Yes! All Forms must have their action attribute point to the FormMakerAndProcessor Scripts and they also require certain hidden tags be present in your Forms.

    All required code can be easily generated by :

    1. Clicking on either Single Page Forms or Multi Page Forms in the Admin Control Panel.

    2. For Single Page Forms click the name of the Form in the Name - Code column. For Multi Page Forms click the Get Code in the Get HTML Code column.

    Now you have your Form's required code, brief descriptions of each follow.

    <form action="http://www.....fmap.cgi?process" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">

    Copy and Paste the entire <form> tag generated. It has the all-important enctype attribute's value correctly set for File Uploads. This is the start of your Custom Form.

    <input type="Hidden" name="id" value="1111222233">

    The "id" field is vital. It should not be changed or altered in any way, the case must remain the same, the field must be in every Form. It's value is set to the Form's ID, used to fetch the Form's Settings so it can be processed according to your set configuration. No id, no entry.

    <input type="Hidden" name="required" value="fname,lname,email,Age">

    The "required" field is optional in your Forms. If you'd like your Customers to be forced to enter a value in, or make a selection of, any of the fields in your Form, add those field names to the "required" tag's value attribute. Do not add any spaces and use a comma to separate the field names. The sample tag above would force Customers to enter a value in the fname, lname, email, and Age Form fields before FMAP would accept the Form for processing.

    <input type="Text" name="fname" value="">

    The "fname" and "lname" fields can be used to capture the Customer's full name and print easily understood built Error Messages and Preview pages (fname is auto-replaced with First Name). These fields are recommended, but not required. If used, they must also be lower case.

    <input type="Text" name="email" value="">

    The "email" field is required if you want Customer Autoresponders delivered. It must have a valid email address entered by the Customer. This too should not be changed or altered in any way, the case must remain the same. If there's no field named "email" in your Form, the Customer Autoresponder will not sent.

    <input type="File" name="FILE1">

    <input type="File" name="FILE55">

    The "FILE1" field is optional, however if incorporated in your Forms, you must have the "FILE" portion of the field name in uppercase. If you're using multiple File Upload fields in the same Form, each field must have a unique number after the "FILE" portion as shown in the two sample tags above. Only then will FMAP recognize the field as a File Upload field.

    <textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="6"></textarea>

    The "comments" field is optional and is the only built in Textarea field. If you'd like to incorporate additional textarea tags in your Forms, you must append an uppercase "_TA" to the field's name. FMAP then will then process the field as a textarea and preserve line breaks. If for example, you wanted a textarea named "Feedback", you'd name the field ... name="Feedback_TA" cols="40" ...

    <input type="Hidden" name="groupid" value="">

    The "groupid" field applies to Multi Paged Forms only. It must be coded in to each of the Forms that make up a Multi Page Sequence. If any one of the Forms in a Sequence is missing a "groupid" tag, that Form's data will not be passed through to the last Form, it will not be stored on the server, and will not be sent in any of the email notifications. The data will be non-existent. Nowhere to be found.

    <input type="Hidden" name="redirect" value="">

    The "redirect" field must be coded in to Multi Page Forms, and is optional in Single Page Forms.

    Single Page Forms can have the redirect value set in a Hidden Form tag, or in the Form's Settings in the Admin Section. If utilized, it directs a Customer to any Page of your choice after a successful Submission. The value must begin with "http" otherwise it will be ignored.

    Multi Page Forms can only have the redirect values set in the Hidden Form tags. The tag is required in each and every one of the Forms in any Multi Page Sequence, with the exception to the rule applied to the very last Form, where it's optional. The value of each redirect tag must point to the URL of the next sequential Form in your succession of Forms. This is how you control the Customer experienced progression of your Forms. Here's Step by Step guide to creating Multi Page Forms

    <input type="Submit" value="Submit">

    The "Submit" button must be coded in to your Forms. It should be the last tag in your Form, followed only by the closing </form> tag. This is the end of your Form, you can now any desired Custom Form Fields to it, as long as they are placed between the opening <form action.... > and closing </form> tags.

    Notes :

    • The same Forms can be used over and over again in to create more Multi Paged Forms.

    • Each of the Forms can also be used as a Dedicated Single Page Form.

    • To change the text and appearance of the "Previous" and "Next" buttons in Multi Page Forms, click the Multi Page Forms link, then click the Settings link for the desired Form.

    • On the same page, you can set your preferred Form Field Sorting Order, using all fields found in all Forms that make up the Multi Page Form. This governs the order used in the Export Wizard, Previews of Forms after Submitted, and the Submission Viewing area in the Admin Section.

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