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AllCount         List of Categories        

  1. Why are the total Unique hits in the Daily stats higher than the total Unique hits in the Monthly stats?

  2. Where do I place the images shipped with the new version?

  3. What's the difference between Countries and Languages?

  4. Does AllCount count multiple pages?

  5. Do I need SSI to use your counter?

  6. Why do daily stats not match monthly totals?

  7. Does AllCount count Platforms such as Mac, Linux, etc?

  8. Is the counter visible?

  9. Can I track a user's path through my site?

  10. Changing the path to your image

  11. How many hits can AllCount handle?

  12. Will AllCount count internal referrers?

  1. Why are the total Unique hits in the Daily stats higher than the total Unique hits in the Monthly stats?

    This is because the hits in the daily stats are unique to each day, whereas the monthly stats show unique hits for the entire month.

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  2. Where do I place the images shipped with the new version?

    Anywhere you like. After you upload the images, log in to the admin area and click on "Settings". Scroll down to "Absolute URL to image" and enter the full URL to the spacer.gif image. Include the "http://" and the file name. E.g.


    The script will find the other images based on the above path. Just be sure to upload all images to the same folder and do not rename any of the images.

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  3. What's the difference between Countries and Languages?

    The Country is determined by the visitor's location using their ISP's host node. This is only displayed around 80% of the time. So as of Version 3.5, we added Language stats which reads the Browser's default language code. That is, the language for which the browser was developed.

    If you update your copy of AllCount from a version prior to 3.5, you will need to regenerate the code and re-add it to your pages so that the Browser's language code is recorded. If you do not want to do so, AllCount will continue to function normally.

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  4. Does AllCount count multiple pages?

    Yes, it counts and records statistics for any number of page of any type, be they .html .cgi or .asp pages.

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  5. Do I need SSI to use your counter?

    No, SSI is not required. All Count works on Unix, Linux and Windows NT servers. All you need is a cgi-bin folder.

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  6. Why do daily stats not match monthly totals?

    Daily stats record all unique hits for each day. Monthly stats record unique hits for the entire month. Unique hits are based on IP address and browser type. So, if the IP address,, hits a page on the 1st and 5th of the month, it will only count as one unique hit for the month, not two.

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  7. Does AllCount count Platforms such as Mac, Linux, etc?

    Yes, it will count, record and display easy to read statistics for countries, Operating Systems (Windows 95, Windows 98 ME, WIndows XP, Mac PPC, X11 etc.), JavaScript versions, Java enabled browsers, dates, times, all versions of User Agents (Netscape 4, Netscape 7, Safari, Gecko, Firebird, Konquerer, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.) and much more.

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  8. Is the counter visible?

    No, it's invisible. Only you as the administrator will be able to see counter stats.

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  9. Can I track a user's path through my site?

    Yes, using our built in advanced search engine, you can track IPs and search for just about anything you can think of. The search form accepts multiple parameters. E.g. search for all visitors using a mac with an 800 pixel monitor that hit your contact page.

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  10. Changing the path to your image

    To speed up page loads make sure you change the path to the invisible image. From the control panel, click on "Settings" and enter the absolute URL to the image on your server. E.g.




    Make sure you have also uploaded the image file to your server. The image will now be called from your server and not ours.

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  11. How many hits can AllCount handle?

    Version 1 was successfully tested on over 740,000 hits per month. The latest version supports up to 15 million hits a month, however with such a large file, the built in search engine will be a little slow.

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  12. Will AllCount count internal referrers?

    Yes, all referring pages are recorded. When searching your logs, enter the path to any one of your pages, and the results returned will list that page's referrers.

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