How do I manage the bounce AutoCleanser?
After purchasing the AutoCleanser, we'll SSH in to your server to configure and install the Module. SSH root access is required.
Consolidator is then set to direct all bounces to a dedicated POP3 account. The Autocleanser will read the dedicated POP3 mail spool every 10 minutes, extract all bounces and then clear the file to prevent it's perpetual growth.
In Master Settings -> Settings, you have an option to "Automate Bounce Removals".
If set to "No"
All email addresses extracted from the spool will be recorded to a temporary file and await your intervention. You can access the temporary file via: Statistics Tab -> Bounced Addresses.
You then have the option of either
a) submitting the form as is to delete flag all listed addresses, or
b) remove some before submitting the form
Any addresses that remain in the textboxes when the form is submitted will be processed accordingly (either deleted from Mailing Lists they belong to, or flagged for future deletion if they fail a second and third time).
You may choose to remove an address that looks like this for example :
because it has an obvious typo. You'd then have to manually search for correct that email address.
If set to "Yes"
The Bounced Addresses link will not appear in the Statistics Tab as the addresses are auto deleted and flagged, not giving you the option to scan which addresses are removed.
How do I add my own headers and footers to the program?
Log in as a top level administrator and click on the Settings link. Scroll down to the near bottom of the Settings page until you see "Global Templates". You have 7 fields for templates that feed the content to the Admin section (for members), the Subscriber log in area and the public pages for non members and non subscribers.
Each field requests either an absolute URL (http://www...) or an absolute server path (/home/sites....). Be sure to click on the Gray colored links for the correct path to enter in each field.
For all fields, you may leave the value blank to have the scripts print the default content. If you do choose to use your own headers and footer, be aware that it is up to you to create a menu for the navigational links. In order of appearence :
1). Admin Log in URL
Enter an absolute URL (http://www...) to any page you like. It could be your home page for example. It must contain the following code which makes up the minimum fields required for the log in form.
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="process">
<input type="text" name="username" size="14"> Username<br>
<input type="password" name="password" size="14"> Password<br>
<input type="Submit" value="Login">
Alternatively, you may copy the full source code from the log in page, then modify to suit your desires.
2). Admin Header/Footer Path
This allows you to create a header, menu and footer for the admin area. This is where you and your paying members log in to manage their mailing lists and send out mailings. This field requires an absolute server path. Simply create a regular HTML page with your design. Include the header, menu and footer. You must use absolute URLs in any image tags, hyperlinks or external files such external style sheets or javascript files. Between your header and footer, enter the following special marker :
the marker will be replaced with script generated content. You should also link to the common stylesheet using the following code in the head section of your HTML page :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/images/uls/uls_admin.css">
You may edit the styles in the Style Sheet if you feel comfortable doing so. Once you have create your page, upload it to your server and enter the correct absolute server path to it in this field.
3). Admin Log Out URL
This requires an absolute URL (http://www...). You may choose to use the same URL as you use for the Log in page, your home page for example. Clicking the log out link deletes the session cookies which are set when a member logs in and will redirect the member to the URL you enter in this field.
4). Subscriber Log in Path
This field requires an absolute server path. This template is used for subscribers to log in and edit their profile. It must contain the following code which makes up the minimum fields required for the log in form. Note the red marker below. You must leave this marker in place, as is. You should also include the form on the log out page, or use this same template in the log out field below. This is so if a user decides to log back in, the correct member ID is retained.
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="process">
<input type="text" name="memberid" size="14"> Member ID<br>
<input type="password" name="email" size="14"> E-mail Address<br>
<input type="Submit" value="Login">
Alternatively, you may copy the full source code from the log in page, then modify to suit your desires.
5). Subscriber Header/Footer Path
This allows you to create a header, menu and footer for the subscriber log in area. This is the log in area for your and your member's subscribers. This field requires an absolute server path. Simply create a regular HTML page with your design. Include the header, menu and footer. You must use absolute URLs in any image tags, hyperlinks or external files such external style sheets or javascript files. Between your header and footer, enter the following special marker :
the marker will be replaced with script generated content. You should also link to the common stylesheet using the following code in the head section of your HTML page :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/images/uls/uls_admin.css">
You may edit the styles in the Style Sheet if you feel comfortable doing so. Once you have create your page, upload it to your server and enter the correct absolute server path to it in this field.
6). Subscriber Log Out URL
This field requires an absolute server path. We suggest you use the same template for this field as you have for the Subscriber Log in field. If you would like to use two different templates, you must include the following log in form (on this log out page) so the member ID is retained.
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="process">
<input type="text" name="memberid" size="14"> Member ID<br>
<input type="password" name="email" size="14"> E-mail Address<br>
<input type="Submit" value="Login">
Clicking the log out link deletes the session cookies which are set when a member logs in and will then print this template.
7). Public Header/Footer Path
This allows you to create a header, menu and footer for general visitors to your web site. This template applies to your Multi subscribe form, publicly viewable archives and Thank You pages after a subscription form is filled in. This field requires an absolute server path. Simply create a regular HTML page with your design. Include the header and footer. You must use absolute URLs in any image tags, hyperlinks or external files such external style sheets or javascript files. Between your header and footer, enter the following special marker :
the marker will be replaced with script generated content. Once you have create your page, upload it to your server and enter the correct absolute server path to it in this field.
If using a custom header and footer for either the Member section or the Subscriber section, you need to also create your own navigation menus. Below are the common links for each section.
Member Section
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?manage - Summary
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?lists - Add - Edit Lists
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?options - Send Options
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?viewars - Autoresponders
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?filter - Global Filter
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?jointlist - Partner Lists
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?prefs - Preferences
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?advertlist - Advertisers
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?adminprofile - My Profile
/cgi-bin/uls/uls_admin.cgi?exit - Log out
Subscriber Section
/uls/uls_mem.cgi?manage - Summary
/uls/uls_mem.cgi?profile - Profile
/uls/uls_mem.cgi?memissues - Back Issues
/uls/uls_mem.cgi?mportSend - Mailing
/uls/uls_mem.cgi?remove - Remove
/uls/uls_mem.cgi?memExit - Log out