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Attachment Mailer - Formmailer supporting file uploads and file attachments in Autoresponders

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  1. Why do Uploads fail with a Permission denied error?

  2. How do I allow different file types to be accepted?

  3. Is there an easy way to allow all file types?

  4. How do I use a Select Menu to allow visitors to direct email?

  5. How do I use a Radio buttons to allow visitors to direct email?

  6. How do I use a Checkboxes to allow visitors to direct email to multiple staff members?

  1. Why do Uploads fail with a Permission denied error?

    You may receive the following error :

    One or more files failed to send. The reasons returned are:

    Error: Could not open new file on server. Permission denied

    What you need to do is log in to the admin section and then click on "Settings" or "Default Settings" if you're using the Plus version. Scroll down to "Default Folder" and enter the path to a folder that files will be uploaded to. Make sure that folder exists and CHMOD it to 777. If on a windows server, you will need to have the host set full read/write permissions for that folder (so the scripts have permission to create files in it).

    If using the Plus version, and have already created forms, follow the same steps for each form's Settings.

    Top of Page

  2. How do I allow different file types to be accepted?

    Click on "Settings" from the admin control panel. Scroll down to the "File Settings" header and enter the file extensions in the "File types accepted" field. Separate each with spaces. If you'd like to accept, for example, .xls and .doc files only, you would enter :

    doc xls

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  3. Is there an easy way to allow all file types?

    Yes, as of version 1.2 we have added a keyword that allows you to easily accept all file types. In the admin settings, under "File types accepted" simply enter the word "ALL" without quotes in uppercase.

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  4. How do I use a Select Menu to allow visitors to direct email?

    You need to implement a custom Javascript. Please note this script prints the email addresses to your document. Any e-mail harvesters that visit your site will extract them. Custom mods can be made to the Perl script in order to keep your email addresses hidden. Here is an exmaple Javascript that will dynamically set the "toname" and "toemail" fields based on user selection :
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    NAMES = new Array();
    NAMES[0] = "Christy McCune";
    NAMES[1] = "John Howard";
    NAMES[2] = "Lisa Greene";
    NAMES[3] = "Tom Bright";
    function setName(f,n){
    	f.toname.value = NAMES[n];
    // -->
    <!-- Default Value -->
    <input type="Hidden" name="toname" value="Christy McCune">
    <select name="toemail" onchange=
    <option value="you1@yourdomain.com">Christy McCune
    <option value="you2@yourdomain.com">John Howard
    <option value="you3@yourdomain.com">Lisa Greene
    <option value="you4@yourdomain.com">Tom Bright
    The above script should be placed above your <body> tag. The form code should be placed between your opening <form> and closing </form> tag. When a user makes a selection (onchange) the hidden toname field is updated. The first option in your select menu corresponds with NAMES[0], the second option corresponds with NAMES[1], and so on. You need to add any additional NAMES[n] elements to the Array as well as your select menu options.

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  5. How do I use a Radio buttons to allow visitors to direct email?

    This option allows visitors to select only one of the listed staff members. Place the script above your <body> tag. The form code should be placed between your opening <form> and closing </form> tag.
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    NAMES = new Array();
    NAMES[0] = "Christy McCune";
    NAMES[1] = "John Howard";
    NAMES[2] = "Lisa Greene";
    NAMES[3] = "Tom Bright";
    EMAILS = new Array();
    EMAILS[0] = "you1@yourdomain.com";
    EMAILS[1] = "you2@yourdomain.com";
    EMAILS[2] = "you3@yourdomain.com";
    EMAILS[3] = "you4@yourdomain.com";
    function setName(f,w){
    	if(w.checked == true){
    		f.toname.value = NAMES[w.value];
    		f.toemail.value = EMAILS[w.value];
    // -->
    <!-- Default Value -->
    <input type="Hidden" name="toname" 
    value="Christy McCune">
    <input type="Hidden" name="toemail" 
    <input type="Radio" name="dest" value="0" 
    onclick="setName(this.form,this)">Christy McCune
    <input type="Radio" name="dest" value="1" 
    onclick="setName(this.form,this)">John Howard
    <input type="Radio" name="dest" value="2" 
    onclick="setName(this.form,this)">Lisa Greene
    <input type="Radio" name="dest" value="3" 
    onclick="setName(this.form,this)">Tom Bright

    Top of Page

  6. How do I use a Checkboxes to allow visitors to direct email to multiple staff members?

    This option allows visitors to send mail to multiple recipients. Place the script above your <body> tag. The form code should be placed between your opening <form> and closing </form> tag.
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    NAMES = new Array();
    NAMES[0] = "Christy McCune";
    NAMES[1] = "John Howard";
    NAMES[2] = "Lisa Greene";
    NAMES[3] = "Tom Bright";
    EMAILS = new Array();
    EMAILS[0] = "you1@yourdomain.com";
    EMAILS[1] = "you2@yourdomain.com";
    EMAILS[2] = "you3@yourdomain.com";
    EMAILS[3] = "you4@yourdomain.com";
    function setName(f,w){
      namesStr = ""; emailsStr = "";
      for(a = 0; a < f.elements.length; a++){
        if(f.elements[a].name.search(/^dest\d+/) >= 0){
          if(f.elements[a].checked == true){
            namesStr  += NAMES[f.elements[a].value] + ",";
            emailsStr += EMAILS[f.elements[a].value] + ",";
      f.toname.value = namesStr.substring(0,namesStr.length - 1);
      f.toemail.value = emailsStr.substring(0,emailsStr.length - 1);
    // -->
    <!-- Default Values -->
    <input type="Hidden" name="toname" value="Christy McCune">
    <input type="Hidden" name="toemail" value="you1@yourdomain.com">
    <input type="Checkbox" name="dest1" value="0" 
    onclick="setName(this.form,this)">Christy McCune
    <input type="Checkbox" name="dest2" value="1" 
    onclick="setName(this.form,this)">John Howard
    <input type="Checkbox" name="dest3" value="2" 
    onclick="setName(this.form,this)">Lisa Greene
    <input type="Checkbox" name="dest4" value="3" 
    onclick="setName(this.form,this)">Tom Bright

    Top of Page

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