Micro, Small, Medium and Large Business Solutions
We've been developing scripts and programs for the web for over 10 years. In that time we've been the driving force behind many online businesses from Hobbyist to Corporate. We have a range of scripts to get any website up and running in a day, and we offer custom coding and programming services to transform an idea into reality. We've developed web applications for small to medium sized businesses, reconstructing their business model and providing a direct connection between business and consumer, as well as business to staff.
Click here to learn more about the quality applications and programs we've developed to ease the adminstrative work load for business, or click here to request a quote for an idea, website or program you'd like developed.
Perl Scripts - compatible with Mac, Windows IIS 4 & 5, Linux, Unix, Sun and FreeBSD servers
If you have a web site with a cgi-bin, you can quickly and easily implement any of the scripts below to enhance your web site's functionality, eliminate spam and increase inter activity. Our scripts are specifically developed to save you and your visitors both time and money through automation and ease of use. Each script is regulary updated and improved based on user feedback and our own experience. We could not run our website without them and we wouldn't use our own products if we didn't have absolute confidence and faith in them.
Our Perl scripts are compatible with 99.9% of the servers we've worked on over the last 12 years. If your hosting provider is not up to scratch, or for any other reason you need hosting, be sure to consider linuxhostingplans.com. Each hosting plan comes with optional online server backup solutions to ensure your data and files are protected.
404 Alerter
Logs details of each 404 request (pages and image files) including referrer so you can correct broken links, will optionally notify you via email when 404 is requested, comes with Secured Admin login section, use your own custom error pages and redirection, and it's free!
Access Log Viewer
When working with large files, rather than download the entire database, select a managable number of lines and line numbers of interest, with line wrapping on or off. Tested on files as large as 500 megabytes!
All Count
An invisible counter that counts hits on as many pages on your site as you want it to, and provides web statistics for each. Statistics include countries or origin, unique and total hits, referrers, query strings, screen sizes, color depths, Javascript versions, Java capable browsers and presents the web stats in an easy to read format. Records statistics for all web browsers and operating systems. Comes with built in search engine and admin control and settings panel. Even counts your cgi pages! This web page hit counter does not require SSI.
Attachment Mailer Plus
Form Mailer supporting website file uploads/transfer and file attachments! Receive file attachments transferred from your web site to your inbox via your contact forms. Includes personalized autoresponder templates for both you and your visitors, an Admin Control Panel and a multi-file Progress Meter for file uploads so your customers are not wondering if anything is happening during large file transfers. Manage multiple Forms, export submissions and orders to CSV files for batch processing or as database back ups, auto-respond to potential customers with files of your choice delivered to their inboxes and more. Learn more or try our demo here.
Build A FAQ Lite
Effortlessly build you FAQ and knowledge database. This amazing program is search engine friendly, allows you to create multiple categories, sort categories and questions in any order and you can use your own templates, even if they use SSI. Tell me more.
Build A FAQ Plus
The long awaited Plus version is a FAQ Manager's delight. Includes a search engine for customer searches of your FAQ database, and printer friendly versions for all FAQ generated pages, Captcha code form protection, option to display FAQs as collapsed/hidden or exposed for easier reading. Tell me more.
Clock In Center
Do you work on the web? Then you simply can not do without this script. Keep track of your or your employee's work hours, products sold or just about anything else with this script. Tracks time stamps to the second, email feature allows users or admin to send work logs in either plain text or HTML, adjust time zones, calculates time and billing totals. Now all your paper work can be found in the one place. Tell me more
Turnkey Bulk Mail and Subscriber Management software. Requires Mysql on a UNIX server. Supports literally millions of Subscribers, provides searchable databases for highly targeted, subscriber relevant broadcasts, pup up blocker beating, auto-generated subscription forms, supports plain text and rich HTML messaging, scheduled mailings, an unlimited number of autoresponders for each mailing list, mailing progress monitor, vast array of reports and statistic, and even supports Membership registrations empowering you with extraordinary potential to generate a MASSIVE recurring income. With minimal outlay you can start your own business today or seize your share of the Internet's roaring Direct Marketing sector. Conceived in 1999, Consolidator is still powering away in 2008.
Environmental Vars
See which modules are accessible on your server, find the path to sendmail and view the environmental variables as returned by your server. Find out which version or Perl your server is running, operating system, your IP, server's IP and more.
eBackup is a free utility that enables you to back up any data files located on your web server (not MySQL data). Will recursively fetch and display your Website's (or Server's) entire directory structure. Select multiple directories to be compressed in to a ZIP file and either e-mailed to you or stored on your server. Preserves your directory structure, back up all files (ASCII and Binary). Requires Archive::Zip and Compress::Zlib modules on your server. Learn more
eBackup Automated
eBackup Automated - Scheduled Website Back ups, server to server, or server to email. Completely automates the backing up of your website and data. Select directories, whether or not to recurssively back the selected directories and compressed zip files will be delivered as often as you like. Can you live with out this? Read more
Fully optioned perl script survey manager. Supports unlimited Surveys, preview mode, radio buttons, checkboxes, text fields, textareas, supplementary questions, instructions, file uploads, database exports, question / answer sorting, graphical results, answer flow, automated validation of required fields, and personalized Autoresponders and Thank You pages with option to include Survey Snapshots. Available in English, German and French and with anti-aliased pie and bar graphs. Learn more
easy Poll
Create and manage as many polls as you like. easy Poll makes creating polls so easy, we guarantee you'll be creating polls in less than 60 seconds. Choose from three statistical displays, option to require unique votes (one per visitor based on IP address), option to display actual number of votes or just percentages. Place the scripts on your web site and run as many polls as you like. Learn more
Error Log Viewer
No more Server 500 errors! This script tells you exactly what and where the problem is. You can also view the server's error log allowing your to correct and further refine your scripts.
Form Maker and Processor
Create form processing on your web site in seconds. Create Order forms, contact forms, support forms, all forms. Supports single and multiple-page forms and secure (SSL) forms. FormMaker will generate JavaScript AND Perl validation, includes file uploads, form management, radio buttons, checkoxes, select menus, CSV exports, processed records, everything! What a time saver, this online Form making Perl script will amaze. Try our Demo
Fetch a File
Allow you web site visitors to fetch any number of files from the directory you specify and e-mail them to themselves as true attachments. Security features built in and tested on with all major e-mail clients including Eudora.
Meta Cloak
Protect your Meta Tags from copyright violation! This free snippet of code will render you Meta Tags invisible to human users. Spiders will not be effected. Requires SSI.
MySQL Mate
Manage and view the contents of multiple mySQL databases. Easily back up and restore multiple tables simultaneously to server of your hard drive.
QCart V.5
Full featured, fast shopping cart and web store manager. Features: Categories, related items, full shipping options, account registration, profit and revenue sales reports and charts, instant cart technology, SSL and shared SSL support, MySQL driven for speed and efficiency, search forms, multiple language support, manual billing, 2Checkout.com, Authorize.net and PayPal, full support, free lifetime updates, customized/personalized formmail Autoresponders. For those who want to make a success of their web store, with a roaring, prosperous trade backed by 100% support.
Quick Fix
Quickly replace strings of text in one or multiple files on your server. Update links, paths or tags across multiple files in multiple directories with one click.
Quote Displayer / Random Content generator
Generate random content such as random images to keep your pages looking fresh. Insert multiple content areas, not just one per page, to randomly or sequentially update multiple areas on the pone page. Use to display inspirational or motivational quotes, random customer testimonials, random images, a different sales pitch for your products, random fun quotes, historical quotes or speeches, proverbs or blurbs, randomly change the color or your website pages, fonts or background graphics, for quote of the day, quote of the week, quote of the month or quote of the year. Learn more
Server Size
Server Size is a free perl script for reading the size of a web site from any given starting point. Simply set a starting point and it will return the total size (in kilobytes) of the directories it reads, to two decimal places.
Speed Search
This search script will blow away any other search script you've ever tried! Allows you to index your site (triple the speed of the search) or perform a full live search, specify which folder/ files should be searched, option to have results returned in new or current window, custom header / footer and unlike most other search scripts, we do not display our copyright! Find out more
Task Manager
Organize your list of "things to do". Assign staff to certain tasks. Auto e-mails assigned members when task is created or updated.
Upload Lite
Easily upload files to your server from your web page. Set file size limit and types. Email notifications. WINDOWS and UNIX. This well commented script will teach the intermediate Perl Programmer how to write upload scripts. Successfully tested with files as large as 36 megabytes.
Upload Plus
All the features of Upload Lite, plus user can choose which folder to upload files to. Plus admin can reply to user from your notification e-mail. Ideal for galleries with multiple categories.
Upload Gold
The ultimate File upload system. Control member's folder size limits. Translate the program into any language, dual top level admin, edit source code, prevent overwrites, more.. Successfully tested with files as large as 36 megabytes. Currently in use on dozens of web sites.
Upload Pro
The ultimate File upload system with .htaccess directory protection built in. Requires Apaches web server software. Create and manage members, custom sign up form with as many fields as you like, control disk space for individual members, autoresponders, member log in and profile/account update, this one has the lot!
Website Manager
Not just an ordinary Content Management System, this script also allows you to manage your entire Website. A real life saver when your FTP connection is down. Web site Manager is an advanced content management system that allows you to not only update every web page on your site, but also add non-technical users as administrators with directory access rights and privileges.
JavaScripts - All scripts tested with Firefox, Internet Exporer 5+, Netscape Navigator 4+, Opera 5+ on Macintosh OSX and Windows XP
Read Java hosting reviews to find suited host to support your website or program.
Alert Boxes
Learn how to add your own title to alerts confirms and prompts (IE). Select the icon, button types, and default selections. Netscape will show a regular alert confirm or prompt.
Browser Sniffer
This JavaScript snippet will MSIE 4 and 5+, NN4 and 6, even the rarely used Opera browser. It also detect the Macintosh platform.
Check Email
This JavaScript detects email addresses that are in an invalid format. Simply copy and paste the code. Can be used to check unlimited number of email addresses entered in a form.
Cookie Redirect
Have your visitors already seen your Flash Intro? You should know this and redirect them to your main page. Allows you to set the number of days / hours cookie lives and the page visitor should be redirected to.
Meta Magic
Quickly generate meta tags and page transitions in real time using Meta Magic, our meta tag generator.
Hours of fun with this free JavaScript version of the popular Japanese numbers game, Sudoku. Successfully tested with MSIE, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator and Safari for Mac.
Window Maker
Pop Up window code generator. Must See! Use without connecting to the internet. Options never before seen!
My List Manager
MyListManager.com allows you to utilize our most script for one low monthly fee. No cgi-bin? No problem! We host it, you use it. Consolidator is the ultimate in email marketing enabling you to deliver email to your database of subscribers and track success rates of campaigns.